
Indiana Jones Exhibit Reviewed in The Huffington Post

A glowing review of the Indiana Jones and the Adventure of Archaeology exhibit currently at the Montreal Science Centre by Simona Rabinovitch recently appeared in The Huffington Post:

Using state-of-the-art multimedia technology, the exhibit features a mind-blowing collection of ancient artifacts and Indiana Jones movie materials (like props, set designs and conceptual art). The show runs in Montreal through September 18 before hitting the road for stints in Canada, Europe and Asia. (New York fans take note: the Montreal show is its closest scheduled stop.)

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Tutankhamun: The Golden King and Great Pharaohs

Tutankhamun: The Golden King and Great Pharaohs showcases over 3,000 years of ancient Egypt and is currently at the Denver Art Museum. The introductory film and audio tour are narrated by Harrison Ford. Click here for more information. Watch the trailer: [stream provider=video flv=x:/ img=x:/ mp4=x:/ embed=false share=false width=320 height=240 dock=true controlbar=over skin=imeo.swf bandwidth=high autostart=false […]

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